Welcome to the Bryon DeVore Photography blog. This space is a place for me to keep in touch with clients, post new work and to share bits about how I go about things here with the photography business. I generally post a few photos from each session, but after a few years of keeping this blog, I know that counting on me to be consistent or regular in any way is probably not going to work out well for anyone. I love to hear from visitors so please drop me an e-mail and be sure to come visit me on Facebook!

Friday, August 28, 2009

My Good Day

More often than I probably realize, but most definitely today, I get to be a part of some very special things through my photography work. Today was a very good day.

This morning, I had the pleasure of photographing Ruth Miller and 5 nursing school students that she is helping via a scholarship program. This was a gift from the Hospital to Ruth for her generosity. You could see the appreciation of these ladies getting to meet their benefactor and it felt great just to be there with them.

And then this evening... who says an insanely sweet wedding can't just be you, your lover and 5 special people (and a photographer) up in the deepest, most secluded part of Lithia Park? Not me. I'm all for big weddings and love seeing lots of people celebrate and come together for a couple, but this little ceremony was just special beyond words.