I took the Facebook plunge today. After countless "friend requests" and an increasingly familiar feeling (like I had when I was way behind the curve with e-mail 10 years ago) I jumped in and signed up.
Hopefully the fact that within hours of signing on I was contacted by no less than 10 old high school friends, does not mean that I will have to relive high school in any shape or form (and hopefully I'll have more "friends" now than I did then... not such a stretch).
This post is really just me trying to see how my blog connects/interacts with FB when I have this site "imported" into it (I think blog posts here can show up there... we'll see).
I'm adding these photos of sunflowers and Mina because she is just that darned cute (and because I found them today while posting to Facebook. Also because, yes, it will be that warm and sunflowery again).