Welcome to the Bryon DeVore Photography blog. This space is a place for me to keep in touch with clients, post new work and to share bits about how I go about things here with the photography business. I generally post a few photos from each session, but after a few years of keeping this blog, I know that counting on me to be consistent or regular in any way is probably not going to work out well for anyone. I love to hear from visitors so please drop me an e-mail and be sure to come visit me on Facebook!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year!

Just trying to separate myself from the pack by delaying this a little bit! Actually, just had a really nice winter break with my family and then a 4 day poker marathon in Las Vegas last week, so I'm just getting back to work here. Considering 1/2 of my business year is crammed into October, November, and December, a little down time is definitely needed this time of year.

Back at it now, though, and looking forward to a fantastic 2009!

Be sure to check out this month's "Locals Guide" and the full page ad I ran showing photographs from all of my 2008 sessions (or see the larger version here by clicking on it above).

Finally, some Las Vegas photos taken with my phone.