Welcome to the Bryon DeVore Photography blog. This space is a place for me to keep in touch with clients, post new work and to share bits about how I go about things here with the photography business. I generally post a few photos from each session, but after a few years of keeping this blog, I know that counting on me to be consistent or regular in any way is probably not going to work out well for anyone. I love to hear from visitors so please drop me an e-mail and be sure to come visit me on Facebook!

Friday, October 2, 2009

What happened to September!?

Heading for a weekend photographing 5 families in 3 days down in the Bay Area tomorrow. I'll be making it a regular trip early each fall if you know anyone who might be interested down thataway. Spring in San Diego/So. Cal. as well.

My apologies to my 4 seniors whom I'm leaving hanging a bit longer. I tried and tried to have your photos ready before I leave tomorrow, but I didn't make it. I am up late getting a couple of favorites to you each. More to come very early next week... I promise!

Happy fright month everyone (and btw... did you see the trailer for "Zombieland"? Hilarious looking October fare.)