Welcome to the Bryon DeVore Photography blog. This space is a place for me to keep in touch with clients, post new work and to share bits about how I go about things here with the photography business. I generally post a few photos from each session, but after a few years of keeping this blog, I know that counting on me to be consistent or regular in any way is probably not going to work out well for anyone. I love to hear from visitors so please drop me an e-mail and be sure to come visit me on Facebook!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

3 Days in Berkeley

Just read an article about the photographer who took the picture of Sarah Palin for her new book (#1 on Amazon and it hasn't even been printed yet!). 6 day trip to AK with a full assistant crew. 2 days of scouting and 3 full days of photographing... all for one book cover photo! Meanwhile, I'm working with 5 families over 2 1/2 days in Berkeley this past weekend. Zero days of scouting, 13 kids, two dogs... zero Sarah Palin book covers, but tons of fun photos. Thank you to all the families involved; I had a blast.

btw... I plan on making this a regular/annual trip; if you know of anyone that may be interested in relaxed, natural portraits in the Bay Area... Let Me Know!