Welcome to the Bryon DeVore Photography blog. This space is a place for me to keep in touch with clients, post new work and to share bits about how I go about things here with the photography business. I generally post a few photos from each session, but after a few years of keeping this blog, I know that counting on me to be consistent or regular in any way is probably not going to work out well for anyone. I love to hear from visitors so please drop me an e-mail and be sure to come visit me on Facebook!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

SOU Preschool photos now online!

Well, Halloween is past and, as per usual, I am officially buried and will be until winter break. Because of the annual fall rush, I've moved most of my pre-school photo days to the spring, but the one I've kept is one of the first I did back in 2004 and is still one of my favorites.

These are some photos from SOU's photo day a couple of weeks ago. People often ask about the expressions I get from my school photos and this sample of pics goes a little ways towards explaining it. I put them on a stool in nice light, act like a crazy person and shoot like crazy. Lots of photos and lots of in-between moments. I love the sweet smiles and nicely composed headshot photos as much as anyone, but maybe it's from looking at photos all the time... for my money, it's the offbeat, off-center, head-cropped, not-looking-at-the-camera photos that make me smile.

SOU families, please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about your photos. Also, there's still some time to get some relaxed, natural portraits of your family for the holidays! Drop me an e-mail or give me a call to get all the info.